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Celebrating a New Year with Old Friends

Just a few weeks late, [and I wasn’t sure how far in the month to share] but I hope everyone celebrated the new year safely and that their year is going fantastic so far! Believe it or not, I celebrated my first New Year’s Eve party that was hosted by lovely Alexis. Alexis’ high school friend [Jessie] and Jennifer helped decorate and cook the most of the afternoon.

I ordered some supplies on Amazon and they were supposed to arrive that day [Tuesday] and the party started at 8:00 PM. I was super anxious that they weren’t going to make it on time, but they did a little after 4:00 PM, which Stephen and I then got ready to head to the party. While this was a major waiting game, I made some of those barbecue weenies to take to the party!

When we got there around 6:00 PM or so, the cute decorations were set up everywhere.

Stephen didn’t want to get up from the comfy couch, and Alexis’ living room was just so cozy. The Happy New Year banner fell on me during a game we were playing and it startled me, so that was fun.

I definitely really liked these cute decorations. Plus, they had all of these foods! They cooked a few of these items themselves.

I love the backdrop that I was also waiting on, and you’ll be seeing it being used a lot on the blog!

I don’t know what it is about meat and cheese trays, but whenever I was in college, I would devour them in one sitting! I’d eventually make my own and use pepper jack cheese instead because I like that one better. I was quite obsessed with them, shamelessly. Not to mention that Stephen and I bought the meat and cheese at Kroger, so I’m hooked on them again.

Also, look at these cute little props!

I brought tripod — which was such a good idea or else Stephen would have been designated to take these photos. I know he wouldn’t have been a happy camper if so.

Funny side note is that the lighting looked better with Alexis’ kitchen light off, so we were taking these photos in the dark with the flash on. Our eyes were definitely put through some torture because we took so many fun pictures this night.

This was kind of a girls party, so I felt bad that Stephen was sitting in the corner on his phone for part of the time, but he said he had some fun. He probably got more acquainted with his phone since he’s now an iPhone user!

I wanted to find something sparkly to wear, but I didn’t want to splurge on one after all the Christmas shopping, so I wore this dress that I’ve only worn once before — and that was after changing out of my wedding dress on our wedding night!

It seems pretty logical when you have a bunch of introverts at a party that they’ll gravitate towards taking pictures, right? We’ve got about 40 plus more photos of this lovely night, haha. We played a few games on the Xbox that require our phone, which I’ve never heard of and can’t remember their names at the moment, but they were pretty fun.

Stephen and I left a few minutes before midnight since it was an hour’s drive or so back to our place.

The Remainder of the Week

Stephen didn’t have to go back to work until Thursday the 2nd, so we got to hang out and clean up around the apartment. He played some video games while I hung out with Jennifer on Saturday.

She and I ate at Bar Louie. They also serve brunch, which I didn’t know since I’ve only been here at dinner time. We stuck to some sandwiches, and we were not disappointed with them!

California Chicken Club.

She ordered the California Chicken Club, which sounds just as good as it looks! I was craving barbecue, so I choose the BBQ Pulled Pork. I need to be ordering these more often because it was fantastic! The fries were also extremely yummy too.

BBQ Pulled Pork.

I had to eat my sandwich with a fork and knife because there was no way I could eat it without making a mess! How do other people seem to eat sandwiches like normal, or do they use forks too and I just don’t know it?

Afterwards, we walked over to The Well once more. We both ordered the Yorkshire, which is butterscotch and hazelnut. I knew I loved it for a certain reason! It’s funny because I remember trying something that had hazelnuts in it and I didn’t care for it, but now that’s one of my go-to flavors!

The guy misheard me and thought I wanted a hot one instead of an iced. I was too shy to tell him that I wanted an iced after receiving it. Plus, you can’t waste a coffee! The hot version was tasty as well, but I still would have rather had the iced because it has more of a distinct flavor.

I wanted to take a cute picture of the coffee design, but they were super busy and the place was packed, so I had to put a lid on it and carefully walk to the car without messing it up too much!

This year, I’m taking more of an initiative to have my nails painted. Now I remember why I don’t. It could just because I buy the cheap kind, but my nails never last! For the record, they lasted about five days or less. Also, it never fails that I mess up at least one nail before they’re dry completely.

Stephen wanted to paint mine the steel color, as pictured with the coffee, and he’s got a steadier hand than me. I can’t have one chip in the polish or I want to immediately remove and take it off! Plus, I have bad nervous habits, but maybe painting my nails will cause me to stop that.

As of today, I have repainted them with the steel color twice since they were chipping and driving me insane just looking at them.

Can’t you tell this is a skill of mine? [Not.]

Just let it be known that this is actually an improvement. I know, terrifying. But once they dry, I try to wash my hands as much as possible so the paint is just on my nail — like it should be, haha.

On Sunday, I went to Clarksville to hang out with Alexis. No pictures to show, [so is there actual proof I went?] but we went to Steak ‘n Shake and Starbucks, then drove around and looked at houses and chatted until I left around dinner.

The next week consisted of the same routine of work with lots of coffee to fuel me to get some stuff done. I wrote up a draft for a new series that I haven’t officially posted yet, but I did manage to post my first What I’ve Been Watching post on Saturday. It was rainy and yucky, so we stayed in on Saturday.

Sunday Scenery

I was getting restless on Sunday, so we went out to Cheekwood. I’ve never been during the winter time, but I kind of liked it since there weren’t as many people there — and it wasn’t hot!

It seems like whenever we go, there’s always a new something that we’ve never noticed before. For this trip, it was this neat statue.

The small detailing in it is so fascinating and very intriguing.

We missed our chance to see the lights that they have around Christmas time, but they still had them up in some areas.

I can only imagine how this would look even more beautiful if the lights were on. Oh well, there’s always this year, and we’ll be sure to go. I’m sad that I didn’t bring tripod because this would have been the best time since the only other person around us in this area was one other lady.

Train track.

I’ve always liked this mosaic piece that’s near the train track. I had to hold the camera up above my head since it’s higher up from the ground, so it’s just a tad bit crooked on my part, but I couldn’t get it to be perfectly centered.

There were some flowers still surviving during this time, and some workers were in a garden that was under construction that’ll open this spring. That about sums up what we’ve been doing since the new year has kicked off. Still recovering after the Christmas season, but it’ll be an exciting year, especially if I do my Christmas shopping earlier so I’m not stressing out right now with bills.

  • Despite being a few weeks late, how did you spend your New Year?
  • Any nail polish recommendations? I’ve bought Sally Hansen Insta-Dri and Essie as of now. I don’t know much about fancy gel nail polishes and other kinds, but I just want a good one that I can paint on myself.
  • What exciting things have you been up to for the first half of this month?

I’ve neglected the blogging community, so I can’t wait to catch up with you all! Also, it has taken me almost two years to figure out how to receive notifications that people have replied back to me from their original post’s comments section. So if I’ve never replied to your comment in the past, I apologize tremendously!

A 28-year-old seeking to live a thousand lives. Blogging and writing about some things that I love, which include succulents, books and music, and what I've been up to while living in Nashville, TN.

20 Comments on “Celebrating a New Year with Old Friends

  1. Wow, you eat good ! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ wonderful blog as always and I LOVE painted nails on a woman , but my wife doesn’t do it πŸ˜”πŸ˜” so I’m gonna look at yours πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  2. That is so cool that you got to welcome the new year with friends. I really love how the place was decorated and the backdrop is phenomenal!
    I want to paint my nails more often too. For me the only issue of chipping comes from working with hands too much. I mean, I have to wash my hands so often and clean and do all kinds of things haha. Btw, that blue nail polish is such a cute color!

    1. Sorry, I’m just now seeing this! For some reason, it went to my spam folder. But I’m with you on that, it’s such a struggle to keep painted nails looking nice when you have to clean and use your hands a lot. But thank you, Rossy!

  3. Those party decorations are SUPER cute! I’m glad they arrived in time!

    Those party foods are JUST the kind of party foods I like. Little meats and cheeses, chips & dips, and even taquitos!! Oh boy! Step aside while I make me a plate.

    Both sandwiches look yummy and I think most people do have to eat them with a knife and fork these days since they make everything too big to fit in our mouths now. LOL

    The statue, mosaic and other things in those last few pictures are really cool!

    1. Thank you! The taquitos can be super addicting. No doubt people would have to use a fork for the sandwiches, but I would love to see someone fit the whole thing, haha! Thanks for reading, Jinjer!

  4. You had such a nice NYE! Maybe next year maybe he can invite his friends too? And maybe his phone won’t have to be his only acquaintance HAHA! gosh the sandwiches look so delicious. I wish my meals looked like that everyday. HAHAHA I can relate to not wanting to correct your order, firstly its so awkward and secondly a coffee has to get thrown out which is tragic!
    And those pictures at the end is so eerily beautiful! What is it? An abandoned amusement park?

    1. I hope he can spend it with some of his friends since I don’t think he had fun sitting in a corner! Haha. But you got that right about the coffee; I figured I’d drink it either way because coffee is good regardless! I’d hope someone would drink it if I didn’t want it, but can’t be too sure.

      The place is called, Cheekwood! It’s a botanical garden and there’s a mansion with different displays and set ups inside. There aren’t many flowers since it’s winter, but it’s so gorgeous whenever everything blooms!

      1. I just saw some pictures online and omg it is so glorious!!! So freaking gorgeous, it must be a hotspot for photoshoots and weddings eh? I love how dilapidated and apocalyptic it looks in the winter though hehe!

        1. Absolutely, it’s such a beautiful place! Yeah, my best friend’s dream would have Cheekwood as her wedding venue! It’s funny going in the wintertime for sure, but there’s something I loved about going at this time!

  5. Aww I LOVE all the NYE photos, that backdrop turned out so cool & oh my gosh, I freakin’ used to love meat & cheese trays, too. Even Lunchables. They are so addicting & easy to devour! It’s so interesting how games on the XBOX can include your phone now, we recently played one with like a special feature if you downloaded an app, too. Looks & sounds like you girlies had such a blast! πŸ₯³

    Those Bar Louie sandwiches look huge & absolutely delish! I sometimes cut my sammies in half but, I never eat them with a fork! πŸ˜› I don’t mind getting a bit messy, hehe. & I think you got the coffee design just in time, it’s so cute! I wish I could go out with you sometimes, I would have so asked them to switch your hot latte for an iced one for you!

    & oh my gosh, Stephen painted your nails?! I always joke around & ask boyfriend if he’ll do my right hand for me but I doubt he’d do any better than I do lol. Certain nail polishes do last longer than others & the better ones dry a lot faster, too. It’s a hard task that I am still trying to master as well lol.

    Ooo, do you like Steak n Shake? We have one around here but never tried it. Can’t wait to see this new series you’re working on!

    Okay I hate all Sally Hansen & OPI nail polishes. Essie is alright. In stores, there’s this brand called CND that I really like but, online, the best nail polish formula I’ve tried is by Zoya. Nothing gel or fancy, just freakin’ good & easy to use!

    Also! Super glad you found out how to turn on notifications for the comment responses. 😁

    1. Haha, a month later and we’re still eating the meat, cheese, and crackers! I surprisingly liked the Lunchables pizzas back in the day. I’m super obsessed with the backdrop; it looks so pretty! I didn’t even know there were games compatible with gaming systems, but I guess I should’ve known there would be by now!

      Aw, you’re so bold to say something! I’ve never been able to muster up the courage to do so myself. Although, I did have a Dunkin’ worker fix Stephen’s order since it was way, way wrong. I guess I’d speak up for anyone but myself when it comes to that! 😬

      Aw, boyfriend won’t paint yours for you? Stephen’s so precise, so he did a good job with painting mine once he got the hang of it!

      Oh my goodness, Steak ‘n Shake does’t have the most outstanding food, but a lot of the meals are under $5! I think it depends on the location, but some are open 24 hours. The milkshakes are so yummy, and the fries are the thin and crispy kind that I love.

      I’m a little all over the place with projects since I’m flitting around with ideas, haha, but I’m trying to gauge in and focus on a particular one! Thank you! I can’t wait to share it!

      I thought OPI was a pretty good kind, but I’ve never actually tried it. I’ve used Sally Hansen because my mom would always buy it. I’ll have to look up those nail polish brands since you know way more about them than I do!

      Thanks for the tips and catching up with me! πŸ™‚

      1. My mom would not let me get that Lunchables pizza when I was a kiddo because she said it was raw & would make me sick so I’ve never tried that one LOL. I know that’s not true now but I believed everything she told me back then. πŸ˜›

        Oh my gosh, I need to get a backdrop like that for when I take pictures of products & stuff!

        & yes of course, everything is connected to our phones now, huh!?

        Aw that’s so sweet that you spoke up for Stephen!! You were not letting them mess with your man haha. <3

        I have never *let boyfriend paint them for me, he would not do well LOL.

        Open 24 hours?! Okay you know that I'm gonna check if ours is too & go there one day after work now lol.

        Ahhh!! I'm so excited to see this new series. πŸ˜€ <3

        & OPI just takes a YEAR to dry and MANY layers to reach 100% opaque. Sally Hansen is better than them, in my opinion, they just have so many different lines & some are good, some are terrible, y'know? Definitely look up Zoya if you get the chance!! They are worth it. <3

        & OF COURSE! I always love catching up with you, Stephanie! <3

        1. That’s so funny that your mom would tell you about the pizza Lunchables being raw! I found the backdrop on Amazon at a good price, and it’s definitely worth it!!

          I figured Stephen’d be fussy about the coffee and just wouldn’t drink it, so I had to make sure we were buying something he’d like! Haha. I hope your Steak ‘n Shake is open 24 hours — I couldn’t imagine it not being in Vegas!

          I feel like the nail polishes can be a hit or miss and not be as consistent, but I’ll have to look up Zoya whenever I have a hankering for another color to use. Thanks for the recommendation! β™‘ I’m using the navy blue color by Salley Hansen and I like it at the moment, but I’ll see in a few days how it holds, haha.

          1. Lol my mom is a bit strange & she made up a lot of stuff I believed all the way into adulthood. πŸ˜‚ I’ve seen a lot of similar, affordable & fun backdrops on Etsy, too!

            Which line of Sally Hansen do you have on? Would love to know your thoughts in a few days. 😊

          2. That’s so funny, especially when you grow up and realize it’s made up! So funny how we are all gullible and naive as kids. Oh, I just love Etsy. So many crafty and creative things!

            It’s the Insta-Dri again, and I really like the navy color! I also bought a top coat clear polish that’s supposed help keep the paint on. It makes my nails shinier, so I like it! Haha

          3. Lol I’m sure there are *still some myths I believe that need to be busted. & I agree, kind of cool how kiddos don’t ever question what their parents say. They just automatically think it’s true.

            I didn’t mind that Insta-Dri formula but, isn’t the brush SO wide & fat?! I hate it lol. Which top coat did you get?! πŸ˜€

          4. Haha, maybe we’re better off not knowing some of the truths! I suppose that shows how innocent children really are if they’re just believing parents, hm.

            I feel like I have wide fingers and nails, so I don’t mind it πŸ˜… I can paint my nail with a few brushstrokes! The bottle just says like Dries Instantly, so I’ll have to upload a picture of it in my next post since that’s super generic, haha.

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