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It’s Me, Finally, in 2022!

Hi, friends!

I totally disappeared from blogging, but I’ll try to do betterstarting now. Rossy and I were talking about getting back into the blogging community, which she has done better than me already. I’ve made some posts, had my plans loosely laid out, then I did nothing and it’s almost April. So, I’ll try to hold myself more accountable when it comes to being on here.

October doesn’t even feel that long ago, but it’s like so much has and hasn’t happened since then! Let’s see what’s worth mentioning. I’ve been around on my blog’s Instagram account, but I miss blogging, so here I am. I’ll start with where I somewhat left off.

October: My mom and sisters came to visit me! They arrived Friday afternoon. We ate at Honey Fire Barbecue for lunch, then got some bubble tea later that day. I’m so excited about the new bubble tea shop that’s nearby. It’s so good, and I love the barbecue place too!

It’s been a bit, so I can’t remember all that we did, but we did go eat at the Pancake Pantry Saturday morning, then we walked around the area. I purchased some adorable succulent pots and a spray bottle!

There are tons of murals nearby, so we had a few different photo shoots. Stephen was kind and took some pictures for us!

For dinner that night, we ate at Lemongrass Sushi & Thai. It’s been a while since I’ve dined in, but the food was fabulous as always! I forgot how nice the food presentation is.

They left Sunday morning, which is always bittersweet, but at least I got to see them again in November!

November: Didn’t visit family for Thanksgiving. We stayed in Nashville, but this year we’ll visit for the holiday. Traffic is always horrendous, so we stayed in our apartment and I heated up a small turkey, spiral ham, and a side that I can’t remember at the moment. It was probably corn. The ham and turkey were already cooked; I just had to heat them up in the oven. YUM! Definitely will do again in the future since it was just the two of us.

Originally, we planned to go to Illinois with Stephen’s parents for Thanksgiving so his dad could visit his mom. I planned to spend a week in Kingsport with my family. I ended up staying the week of November 7-13 with my family. After my stay, Stephen’s parents decided not to go to Illinois.

My sister, Haley, and I watched our nephew, Levi, that Friday. Actually, she did the watching. My brother, Nick, and I went to a coffee shop near his house and my drink was good! I ordered a vanilla chai latte for Haley to bring back to her. I can’t remember what I ordered, but it had coconut in it and I liked it.

My dad and I went out to breakfast on Saturday morning, then we ordered caramel macchiatos from a coffee shop in downtown Kingsport.

December: Shopping for presents stressed me out, but I got it done—early! Stephen got me a beautiful Alexandrite necklace; I got him a pocket operator. Also, I bought a gorgeous Variegated Superbum that was too good of a deal to pass up on! In addition, I received two free succies from the seller.


January: I caved and bought a Variegated Opalina. Absolutely stunning, and I’m so obsessed! This was the most recent plant I’ve bought. I’m pausing on my plant purchasesfor now. Also, there was a freebie with this one. I didn’t think it would survive, but it’s healthy and doing well.

February: Darby joined our little family! As I’m posting this at the end of March, he is 7 months old. I had no intention of getting a dog, especially while living in an apartment, but he was one of the last of his litter that my friend’s parents had and we couldn’t resist his little face. He’s a chunky guy. He weighed 26.80 pounds on 2/14.

Alexis and I also went to a hockey game on 2/15, which we lost, but it was a fun night! I haven’t gotten to see her much this year.

March: Stephen’s 29th birthday! We didn’t have huge plans, but we went out to lunch at a noodle place and he has been to a couple of concerts. Also, we went to a LEGO exhibit the day after his birthday, so that was neat. Here are some of the photos I took from the event.

Friday night, we ordered Crumbl Cookies. Our cookie order: Key Lime Pie, Triple Chocolate Chunk, Iced Oatmeal, and Peanut Butter, featuring Snickers. As for ice cream, I got snickerdoodle flavor, and it was so good!

The Peanut Butter cookie and snickerdoodle ice cream were my picks. We ate them within three days, so safe to say we loved these cookies! Stephen described the Iced Oatmeal’s icing as the icing on Cinnabon’s cinnamon rolls. The Key Lime Pie was better eaten if it were chilled.

This past Sunday, Alexis came down to visit me. We got coffee at The Well. They switched up their seasonal drinks and I tried a Peachy Keen. It was delicious! I loved the subtle peach flavor. I debated on getting another one this morning, but I made coffee at home. Alexis ordered an Iced Cuban Latte.

After we got coffee, we headed to Inchin’s! I haven’t been here since the last time with her, which was the day before my root canal procedure last year. I wanted noodles, but I made myself trying something new. The rice was delicious!

Still March, today: Darby is getting neutered today, so I have the day to myself! I dropped him off at a little past 7:00 AM. It feels so weird, but I miss him already. He’s cryptorchid, which means his male parts did not descend. The vet has to treat his operation like a female dog getting spayed to look for them in his abdomen, if they have not descended since his last vet visit. Stephen is getting off work early today to help me pick Darby up around 3:00 or 4:00 PM.

Darby can’t go up and down the steps, so we have to carry him upstairs and downstairs. We still need to figure out the sleeping arrangement since his crate is upstairs. I don’t want to carry him if I can help it, so I may wind up sleeping on the couch with his crate downstairs for a few days.

As for our routine, he and I go on long walks to tire him outand so I can have a little peace and time to work. He’s pretty good about just laying around by the door and not get into things. He’s made some dog friends, and I’ve met a few nice people! It’s so funny because I have people asking me how long we’ve been here at the apartment complex. Getting a dog is one way to slowly make new friendships as an adult. Also, he will sit and hardcore stare at a dog or person until he’s acknowledged. It’s a little embarrassing because he will not budge until whatever he’s zoned in on is out of his sight.

Hm, I think we’re caught up!

I scrolled through my camera roll to see if I missed anything, but I think I’ve summed up what we’ve been up to the past few months. Also, we got the COVID booster sometime in January, I believe. I don’t think I had any side effects from it either.

What’s new with you? How have you been?

A 28-year-old seeking to live a thousand lives. Blogging and writing about some things that I love, which include succulents, books and music, and what I've been up to while living in Nashville, TN.

7 Comments on “It’s Me, Finally, in 2022!

  1. Somehow I missed this post! Again, welcome back!

    Insert the usual drooling over the food and drinks here.

    Love your cute little spray bottle!

    Cute mural photos by Stephen.

    Oh, this is when you got Darby! Look at his face when he’s getting a spoonful of peanutbutter or something! LOL

  2. That bubble tea looks so good! I can’t believe I didn’t see this post from you on my feed but I figured out that even though I’m following you through WP, my feed doesn’t show your posts, I only get notified through email so I’ll be sure to keep that in mind and keep a look out on your posts through there 🙂

    In other words, I think you’re doing great, we all have lives outside of blogging, and sometimes that means blogging has to take a back seat to everything else. I am excited to see your posts more often, even if it’s once a month, that is definitely a start 🙂

    Your doggy looks so cute in every single photo, he’s so photogenic! Mine is always so wiggly I can never get a good photo of her.

    That LEGO exhibit looks awesome! When I last went to Utah to visit my mom and sis, we went to a garden and they also had massive lego sculptures, it’s so fun seeing creations like that because I’m so basic and simple when it comes to legos lol

    And some Crumbl cookies locations opened up here too, I believe sometime last year? We’ve had them only two or so and while yes, they’re good, I’m not a huge fan of cookies, I’m more of a pastry gal or cupcakes and ice cream LOL

    1. Hii, Rossy!

      The bubble tea shop is so good! I need to go there more often, but I’m trying to be good, haha.

      Oh, I’ve read about that happening since I moved my site to self-host. I”m sorry it makes finding my posts more difficult, but I appreciate you and thank you for sticking around! 😊 I’ll try to link and share on Instagram and see if that helps too.

      Darby is pretty good with taking photos. I’m surprised he still sits and lets us because we have so many of him. Tsuki is cute too, and I love seeing her!

      It’s amazing what people have created from using Legos. Same, I wish I was that talented.

      Ah, Crumbl is good every now and then! I’m definitely a brownie and ice cream kind of gal, haha. We also have a bundt cake place near us, but it’s too bad that I don’t like cake. You definitely should try it if you’re ever in Nashville!

      1. Lol I totally get it!

        Absolutely, I love reading and catching up with you through posts to see what you’ve been up to because I know even on IG I tend to miss stories or post lol.

        Tsuki is such a little troublemaker I swear 😄😄 but I love her so much lol

        I definitely want to travel more and after seeing all the yummy stuff you’ve shared I totally want to add Nashville to the list and hopefully meet you too once I make it out there ☺

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