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Turning 24.

The number of hours in a day, a television show I’m watching, a dozen of doughnuts times two, and how old I’ll be on Thursday! It feels weird getting older, and I’ve found myself forgetting my age when telling people. I have to think about half a second about how old I really am. It’s so weird because I don’t feel like an age. I tend to measure myself with my experiences.

So far, this is my moving journey:

Parents’ home [Kingsport] → Dorm life [Clarksville] → Parents’ home [Kingsport] → The Lucy house [Kingsport] → Stephen’s apartment [Bristol, Virginia] → Kelli’s apartment [Clarksville] → Our own apartment [Nashville].

Aside from the first two locations, all the other locations have been done within a year! Yeah, moving is pretty exhausting. I’m surprised we have as much stuff as we do from all the moving around! Luckily this time around, we’ve already signed the lease for another year, so no moving within the next year!

How is This Year Going to Go?

Compared from my last birthday recap post of being 22 and struggling majorly, 23 has definitely taught me some life lessons as well. It’s funny to read back on my year of being 21, which you can find here. This year, I made a lifelong commitment to Stephen in front of God and our loved ones. We had to learn and adjust with how to live with one another [and another couple], which Stephen took to be the most challenging out of all of us.

I’ve become braver when it comes to pursuing what I’m wanting out of life, and I’m finding myself with each new experience. I’m taking a stab at freelancing and have already landed some successful jobs. I’m excited about the projects I’ve got going in the works as well. The only fear is letting others down, but I’m feeling optimistic about these new things that are out of my comfort zone! They’ll just need some more time to flourish, so I still need to practice patience, but don’t we all?

As much of a sting that they are, I’m ready for some failures in order to also grow, not to also put myself down. We can’t all compare our measures of success with different scales. So, I’m slowly letting that sink in my mind when I feel discouraged about a job I didn’t get or a poem that isn’t well written enough. I also have to remember to accept the things that I deserve and not sell myself short to me or anyone else when it comes to other things.

I’ll have a lot more to update next week. For now, I hope you are having a splendid Tuesday!

A 28-year-old seeking to live a thousand lives. Blogging and writing about some things that I love, which include succulents, books and music, and what I've been up to while living in Nashville, TN.

5 Comments on “Turning 24.

  1. Wow, I really connected to this for some reason you took the words directly out of my mouth! I’m 22, moving in with my boyfriend this fall (mostly excited for now), and I’m finally leaning to cut myself some slack and go for things more! I’ve strangely landed some awesome gigs that I’m SO excited for too, we got some big plans!! Well anyway, glad we could relate! 🥰

    1. Awh, how awesome! I’m so glad you can relate! Yeah, I definitely feel like I’m too hard on myself and it just causes unnecessary stress. Finally time to start letting go of that!

      That’s great to hear, I look forward to hearing some of the opportunities for you. I wish you the best of luck too on your journey, and thank you for commenting! ♡

  2. I love this post! It’s a great reflection. I will also be turning twenty-four this year and I often forget my age as well, haha. I’m not sure why this happens now, but I have the hardest time remembering how old I am. Maybe it’s because it just doesn’t matter as much anymore? Congrats on your success as a freelancer, that’s fantastic!!

    1. Thank you so much! How exciting for the both of us to be experiencing another year older in another city! Yeah, birthdays definitely change as we get older! Life is so funny like that. Thank you for your sweet comment and I hope this week treats you well! 🙂

      1. Oh I didn’t think about that, but it’s so true! We are both experiencing the same new year in a new city, how fun! Thank you! I hope you having an awesome week too!! <3

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