food with my dude

Food with My Dude #20: Slow Cooker Honey Garlic Chicken

Hello! I hope your day is going swell so far.

I had some chicken thawing out in the refrigerator after we returned home after the holidays and I’ve been wanting to use my Crock Pot more, so I found this Honey Garlic Chicken recipe on Simply Happy Foodie that I wanted to give a try.

Not pictured: one onion.

I overlooked the fact that I needed an onion, just a small amount, so that’s not pictured. It recommends using legs or thighs, but I just use chicken breasts since I always buy them.


  • 3 lbs Chicken Legs or Thighs [3 chicken breasts]
  • 2 tsp Kosher Salt
  • 1/2 tsp Pepper
  • 1/4 cup Water
  • 1/2 cup Honey
  • 1/3 cup Soy Sauce, low sodium
  • 2 tbsp Ketchup
  • 1 tsp Ginger, grated [1/8 tsp of ground ginger]
  • 4 – 5 lg Garlic Cloves, pressed or finely minced
  • 2 tbsp Onion, finely minced
  • 1/4 – 1/2 tsp Red Pepper Flakes

Thicken the Sauce:

  • 2 Tbsp Corn Starch
  • 3 Tbsp Cold Water



The ingredients are relatively cheap to buy. I always half the chicken package as soon as I buy it since it’s just the two of us and it’s more than plenty. Plus, the majority of the items are staples that we always have stocked in our apartment.

Cut, Mix, and Cook!

Before you cut up the chicken, you can spray the inside of the Crock Pot, set it on the Low setting, and put 1/4 cup of water in just to get it to heat up a little by the time you put the chicken in.

I always have such a wonderful time trimming the chicken. Am I cutting enough? Too much? That looks about right.

Anyway, after removing the fat and other things, I salt and pepper both sides of the chicken breasts.

Once you generously salt and pepper the chicken breasts, place them in the Pot. Ours is the small 4-quart Crock Pot.

I put the cover back on since making the marinade mix will take me a few minutes.

So in a bowl, mix these ingredients together:

  • 1/2 cup Honey
  • 1/3 cup Soy Sauce, low sodium
  • 2 Tbsp Ketchup
  • 1 tsp Ginger, grated [1/8 tsp of ground ginger]
  • 4 – 5 lg Garlic Cloves, pressed or finely minced
  • 2 Tbsp Onion, finely minced
  • 1/4 – 1/2 tsp Red Pepper Flakes

To make it less spicy for Stephen’s sake, I only put 1/4 tsp of red pepper flakes in the marinade.

[I find that it’s easier to list the step like this instead of having to scroll back up to the top of the post to find the measurements for each ingredient whenever I want to remake these recipes. I’ll slowly edit my previous posts to mimic it.]

I always taste the marinade before mixing it with the rest of the dish, and this tasted super before even putting it in the Pot!

The marinade to chicken ratio seems pretty adequate to me, so I think this was a good balance.

I set a timer for the chicken to cook on the Low setting for two hours. The website said to check the dish’s progress after two hours to determine its doneness. I took a piece out to cut and see inside of the middle to double check, and it was finished.

As the directions stated originally, once the chicken is finished, you’re to remove the chicken from the Crock Pot and set it aside on a plate.

Then, crank up the setting to High and mix the 2 tbsp of cornstarch and 3 tbsp of water in a little dish. I just used a little measuring cup since it was a small amount.

Once the cornstarch dissolves, pour it into the marinade and stir. I was under the impression that I let it cook for a few minutes to thicken, but I was wrong about that.

After putting the water/cornstarch mixture in the Pot, you can return the chicken and cook on high for 10-15 minutes.

My silly self left the chicken out for a few minutes and I got worried about it getting cold while waiting for the sauce to thicken. So, I put Press ‘n Seal over it, then realized that I misread that I could put the chicken back in. RIP the Press ‘n Seal’s usage for about three minutes! At least we have a lot of it because I hardly use it.

I kept checking the chicken afterwards so it wouldn’t overcook. It was probably because of my constant stirring and checking it that it didn’t thicken as quickly as I thought it would. I decided to leave it alone for about 15 minutes, then turned the setting back to Low and it began to thicken afterwards.

And, that’s all it is! Of course I paired it with rice, but I probably should have a veggie in the mix, maybe broccoli?

Taste: The honey taste isn’t strong and it tastes so yummy with the soy sauce and the garlic. Since there was so much of the marinade mixture, I poured a little more into my dish to give the rice some flavor! This was a good, even marinade that was simple to make.


Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Next time, I think I’ll dice up the chicken just so that there will be smaller pieces in the bowl. Overall, I think this recipe is a winner that I’ll keep making.

Heat level:


Of course, you can adjust the spiciness yourself. It would go well with the sweet flavor! I think I’d like it a tad bit spicier, but I can always add more afterwards.

Are there any Crock Pot recipes that you’ve made or found lately to try? I’m looking for more!

A 29-year-old seeking to live a thousand lives. Blogging and writing about some things that I love, which include succulents, books and music, and what I've been up to while living in Nashville, TN.

0 Comments on “Food with My Dude #20: Slow Cooker Honey Garlic Chicken

  1. I might have tried a recipe like this in the past, but baked or something? Idk I just remember it having honey and garlic too lol.
    You should try orange chicken next!

    1. I’ll have to search for the baked kind if it has a similar taste! I have made my own homemade orange chicken before based off of a Tasty Facebook video; I’m not sure that you were following me at the time, but I have made a FWMD post about it. It’s the #14 one! I might need to make a few edits in it, but that turned out to be one of my favorite recipes!

      1. Nice! I dont remember where I got the orange chicken recipe, but Tasty always has amazing recipes! I’ve tried many of theirs, my favorite is the cinnamon roll one lol. I’ll have to try their vegan one too.

        1. I’ll have to look into that one. I tried making cinnamon rolls a few months back and they were disappointing! I haven’t seen vegan ones, but surely you can’t go wrong with trying one of their recipes!

          1. Tasty has a vegan recipe of the cinnamon rolls as well on their Youtube. Looks really good and easy to make. I am transitioning into a dairy free diet which makes me a bit sad because I love ice cream and yogurt and cream cheese but it’s necessary now LOL

          2. I just noticed that I don’t even subscribe to them on YouTbue since all I follow is their Facebook page! Oh gosh, I hope things are well with you, but that is a bummer! 🙁

          3. If you have insta, you should follow them there too, instead of YT I mean. They usually condense the videos down to 60 seconds with all the ingredients and directions.

  2. We don’t have a crock pot because I don’t think we could ever wait that long for dinner! All of our meals usually take an hour or less for boyfriend to make but, that sauce really does look fantastic on your chicken! I wonder if we could try it in the oven or something. Thanks for sharing, Stephanie!

    1. I love using it, especially if I’m out for the day or something and I come back and it’s ready by dinner time! I bet it would definitely taste good if you baked it in the oven or on the stove!

      Thanks for always reading, Hunida! 😊 I need to try some of your recipes since I’m always searching for something new to make!

      1. Aw yeah, I hear a lot of people do that with crockpots! & maybe we will have to try this in the oven in the future. 🙂

        It’s my pleasure, Stephanie! I hope you can find recipes to try through my reviews, there are tons to look through lol. <3

        1. I’m sure I will! I haven’t been able to catch up on all of your recipe posts, but no doubt you find so many to share that I gotta give a try!

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