food with my dude - meal kit - reviews

Food with My Dude #11: Roasted Teriyaki Chicken Noodle Bowl

Hello, once again! Here’s another Home Chef meal to share with you all for this week’s meal that we made in July. I’ve had this backlogged for a bit, but I’m slowly catching up to the more recent recipes. I liked the set up of this one since I just pop it in the oven for it to do its thing, haha. It’s a good type of meal kit to make when I’m running behind and don’t have time to cut or mix a bunch of stuff.

As usual, here are the ingredients:

  • 6 oz. Fajita Mix
  • 2 tsp. Asian Garlic and Ginger Seasoning
  • 2 oz. Edamame
  • 8 oz. Cooked Sesame Noodles
  • 1 oz. Roasted Peanuts
  • 2 oz. Teriyaki Glaze
  • 13 oz. Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts



I think the price being around $17 is pretty decent for two servings for this meal. Although, I am saddened that these are only two servings because I love me some leftovers!

Let’s Get to Prepping!

I like how the cooking directions are on the flap of the meal kit. We get to save just a little bit more of paper!

The amount of veggies in this kit was perfect! I absolutely loved this combination.

When making this meal kit, I know I didn’t listen to one part of the directions, [unintentional, for once] and I was a dodo and mixed up both the fajita mix and the seasoning blend to cover the veggies. The chicken was supposed to have the seasoning mix on it as it it cooked, but they shall be plain.

Yeah, I don’t know how I overlooked that part of the directions, but at least the veggies were really seasoned!

I wasn’t completely sure how I felt about the chicken cooking on top of everything since it seemed odd for them to not be cooked on the bottom and in direct contact with the pan, but oh well.

Once I realized my mistake of not seasoning the chicken, I was slightly worried that it wouldn’t have any flavor, despite the teriyaki glaze that went over it after it cooked.

When it comes to some meats, I’ll let it cook like five or so minutes longer just in case. So, I probably kept it in there for about 35 minutes just to be safe. Here’s the final product:

It doesn’t look like much, but I was pretty full afterwards!

Taste: The combination of the fajita mix and the teriyaki glaze made the dish taste so yummy! The teriyaki sauce had a nice taste to where it wasn’t really soy sauce-y, so I was happy about that. When laying all of it out on the pan to be cooked, it didn’t look like there was enough seasoning to cover the whole dish, but it took me by surprise because it had the perfect amount of sauce. Plus, the crunch of the veggies just topped it off! I absolutely love the edamame beans. They’re so good to eat alone!


Rating: 5 out of 5.

I don’t have any complaints about this meal because it was so flavorful.

Heat level:

0, surprisingly. This was a pretty mild dish and the fajita mix didn’t even have a spice level to it, so it’s heat friendly!

Would I recommend the Roasted Teriyaki Chicken Noodle Bowl?

Aside from the wonder of if the chicken would be cooked thoroughly before the noodles were burned worried me a little bit, but I made sure to keep an eye out for it. For some flavorful chicken and yummy mix of noodles and veggies, this meal exceeded my expectation of how it would turn out! There were plenty of vegetables and protein, so it’s definitely a meal I would approve of!

Stephen’s not too big on veggies in his meals, so I got to have a little extra! Anyways, I hope you all have another fantastic week!

Have you had any awesome meals this week?

A 29-year-old seeking to live a thousand lives. Blogging and writing about some things that I love, which include succulents, books and music, and what I've been up to while living in Nashville, TN.

8 Comments on “Food with My Dude #11: Roasted Teriyaki Chicken Noodle Bowl

    1. Yesss, so many good meals to choose from! You’re already a step ahead of me with making weekly meal plans! 😂 I’ve decided to just made a bunch of chicken and dumplings, so we’re having leftovers for this week!

  1. I also love having leftovers & these meals look fun but, would probably only fill my boyfriend up, leaving me with nothing lol. I would have been worried about the chicken without seasoning, too, but, at least you had the sauce to give it flavor. I never thought to mix fajita seasoning with teriyaki, that def sounds interesting. Tell Stephen he needs to eat his veggies! 😂 Thanks for sharing another FMD post, Stephanie! I love these!

    1. Yeah. Some of these meals aren’t as filling because we’re always looking to snack on something an hour or so afterwards! We did make one recently that you would be easy to make without the kit! It’d be extra effort, but maybe a possibility.

      I tell him that’s why he always gets sick is because he doesn’t eat his veggies, but he won’t listen to me! 🤷🏻‍♀️ Thank you so much for reading them, Hunida! I’m certainly happy you enjoy them!

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