life - succulents

March 2021 Succulent Mail!

*Some external links are affiliate links. These opinions are 100% my own! You can visit my Affiliate page for more information.

I’m sharing a March post in July?


I know, I’ve gotten super behind on posting in general, but I thought I would share the previous plants I received before sharing my most recent plant mail from last week. I’ve had this drafted since March and I’m not entirely sure why I never shared it. Some of the plants look different now, so I’m excited to also share a mini update on them.

Anyway, let’s pretend it’s still March and I’ll introduce these babies!

Jumping Back to March

Stephen and I ordered 5 plants from Succulents Box, and I also received a box of succulents from Soleil Succulents from my mother-in-law as a surprise!

Plant haul:

I’ve had to rearrange my plant table several times to make sure each plant is getting enough light. It’s like a puzzle now trying to get them all to fit on the table.

Succulents Box Haul

Although these videos are not the best in quality, I tried and it’s a start. I’ll get better with them in the future if I continue doing them.

Here is a time lapse of unboxing the order from Succulents Box. I was actually nervous making these and I was home alone! Hopefully they’ll get easier to do in time.

Everything’s a bit of a blur and the setting wasn’t an ideal one to film in, but I was so excited to do something different!

Echeveria Subsessilis

One plant that I’m really impressed with is the Echeveria Subsessilis. I originally ordered a 2-inch plant, but this was a nice surprise to receive a much larger one! It also gave me an excuse to buy more succulent pots and the Subsessilis looks so good in this one!

I currently have a little pup from a propagated leaf. I absolutely love propagating. It’s so fun, but I have no idea what I’m going to do with new plant babies once they’re bigger.


Graptopetalum Superbum

Another succie that has been on my list is the Graptopetalum Superbum. It was in rough shape at the time of unboxing. One leaf was still attached to the stem but the leaf itself was broken. On the bright side, there was a baby Superbum growing underneath the damaged leaf!

The photo below is of the baby Suberbum, and it’s currently sharing a small pot with a baby Moonstone! The Moonstone is super cute too. Both are healthy and growing.


Here is the mama plant:


These pictures do not do any of the plants justice because they are even more stunning in person! I don’t know why my iPhone enhances the color automatically depending on the lighting, so I’m not too happy with how this photo turned out. I’ll have to figure out how to turn that setting off.

Echeveria Cubic Frost

I’ve passed up this little guy a few times in Home Depot and I finally broke down and got my own Echeveria Cubic Frost.


The leaves are so cool on this one. I don’t know why it took me this long to get it. It’s grown quite a bit since this photo as well. The photo below was taken on Saturday.


The grow lights are great for increasing the plant’s growth, but the plant then goes through an awkward phase because its lower leaves are way larger than the ones on the top. Luckily you can’t tell so much in this photo.

Echeveria Raindrops

It has been a few months, but here is what the Echeveria Raindrops looked like whenever I first got it:


As of July, I noticed that the “raindrops” on the leaves started forming mid-June.


I am slightly mad at myself because I accidentally bumped into the plant and ruined its farina on the upper leaves. I am also fighting the urge to touch the bumps on the leaves. I wouldn’t dare, of course. I have no idea how the drops form on the leaves, but I am incredibly fascinated by them!

Haworthia Window

The Haworthia Window was Stephen’s choice, and it’s a neat little dude. I’ve grown to really adore the Haworthias.


These are all the plants I received from Succulents Box! I had a gift card so I went a little crazy.

Soleil Succulent Surprise Box

I was so confused whenever this box showed up because I’ve never heard of this company before. It arrived on the same day that my Succulents Box order did, so it was an exciting day for plant mail!

My mother-in-law had the staff write a sweet note to add in the box.


I filmed this time lapse before the SB one, so this one is even more of a blur of all the plants.

Haworthia Lime Green/Truncata

I’m about 80% confident that this is a Haworthia Lime Green/Truncata, but I could be wrong still to this day. It looks about the same after these past few months.


I think I’ve also read where this plant is sometimes referred to as Horse Teeth โ€” what an even funnier name.

Royal Flush

These were pretty cool to receive.


I’ve just let these be. I may have watered them once since receiving them and that’s about it.


I received more Lithops!


I am immensely sad to report that the bigger Lithops and the bluish one died. The bigger one had recently shed new leaves too and I was tracking its progress. I’m still super upset that it died. It started caving inward and I had no idea why. I did water it once, but I think that made it worse. I’ll have to do a bit more research on Lithops.

Sempervivum Red Lion, Maybe

I never could get the white fuzzies off of this plant. I’m not exactly sure what the I.D. of this succulent was, but I called it a Sempervivum Red Lion. I was slightly freaked out about potentially having a Mealybug problem since white fuzz is a sign. I checked and replaced the soil once I potted the plants and never saw any. Thank goodness. I had to throw this one away last month just to be cautious, and it wasn’t looking too hot.


Fenestraria Baby Toes

This is another pair of Baby Toes and they’re doing great! I’ve successfully kept these alive longer than the first plant that we bought last year.


I’m bummed that some of the plants in the post have died, but I know it’ll happen once in a while. I’m still learning, and it’s been a super fun process and hobby to get into.

I hope you’re having a lovely week!

A 28-year-old seeking to live a thousand lives. Blogging and writing about some things that I love, which include succulents, books and music, and what I've been up to while living in Nashville, TN.

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