food with my dude

Food with My Dude #5: Korean Ground Beef and Rice Bowls

After a few months of cooking, I started getting frustrated about what other beef dishes I could make without exhausting our taste buds. So, I had Stephen go online and find a recipe since he’s pickier than me on some things since I seem to drive myself crazy when I’m viewing multiple recipes and can’t find one I like enough to make!

Korean Ground Beef and Rice Bowls

We wanted to somewhat mimic Bulgogi since Stephen and I went to this yummy Korean House in our area. Bulgogi is so good; although, I don’t particularly care for how greasy and oily it can be. So, Stephen found this dish. It’s not exactly like Bulgogi, but it has a small subtle taste that reminds me of it. Hmm, I should treat myself to some Bulgogi soon!

Here’s the recipe:

  • 1 pound lean ground beef (90% lean)
    • [I tend to buy in bulk of the 80%. It works with the dish.]
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • ¼ cup packed brown sugar
  • ¼ cup reduced-sodium soy sauce
  • 2 teaspoons sesame oil
  • ¼ teaspoon ground ginger
  • ¼ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
  • ¼ teaspoon pepper
  • 2 cups hot cooked white or brown rice
  • sliced green onions and sesame seeds for garnish



It’s so easy and cheap for us to make because we have most of the ingredients in our apartment. For a few months, it was a staple meal that we made more of, rather than just spaghetti. Although, I love me some spaghetti!

I decided to mince the garlic using this cheat knife that is fun to use and really cuts things up!

Stephen will mix together the sauce that the beef is supposed to be cooked in.

Easy enough, we put the garlic in to cook with the meat.

Once drained, then we thrown in the sauce mixture!

Then, just let it heat up on the stove top for a little longer, and that’s it!

I was so consumed with keeping track of the meat that I forgot to cook rice on the stove. Instead of having to wait 20 minutes longer for it to cook, I cheated and used our Quick Pot to take care of it for me!

I do have Minute Rice on hand now, but I’m trying to use it as backup. Also, the Quick Pot gives me a little peace of mind to know that I don’t have to worry about the rice to be too done or undercooked.

The rice may still stick to the bottom sometimes, so I have to remember to brush the bottom of it with oil so it doesn’t.

Finally, here’s the final product! This time, the recipe even called for the garnishes. Presentation definitely is the key!

Taste: It’s a bit sweeter in flavor, so the original recipe’s amount of brown sugar could be tweaked a little bit. Overall, it has a good flavor to it! Since it’s not a spicy dish, I put some hot pepper oil in it to kick up the heat, so yum. It really was oilier after that, but at least the rice had some flavor to it!


Rating: 4 out of 5.

Heat level:


Side note: We tried making this dish with noodles, just because we loooove noodle dishes, but I’m not sure if it’s because of the noodles we bought or what, but this didn’t even taste like the same recipe! They tasted good when we first made them. I thought the noodles in general tasted somewhat funny, but once it was fixed, it tasted about the same. We just doubled the recipe flavors so the noodles wouldn’t just be plain.

When we had it for leftovers, heating them back up? Even more disappointing. it had this weird nail polish smell to me, and when I tried them, it tasted like they had chemicals in the dish! Not sure what happened, but aren’t using these noodles again, and we have stuck to making them with rice.

I’m sad that I can’t even finish them, but I couldn’t. It hurts my heart to throw away some noodles, but under this circumstance, it has to be done. Needless to say, we will not be using the noodles again to make the dish.

I was super, super sad that these didn’t work out. They look so yummy in the picture!

Hope you all have an amazing week!

A 28-year-old seeking to live a thousand lives. Blogging and writing about some things that I love, which include succulents, books and music, and what I've been up to while living in Nashville, TN.

7 Comments on “Food with My Dude #5: Korean Ground Beef and Rice Bowls

  1. Oh my gosh I LOOOVE bulgolgi. In fact, I used to live near a Korean grocery store that sold the most amazing marinated beef. Since moving away from that grocery store and to a different state I have not had Korean beef 🙁 I guess what I am trying to say is that reading this post made me so happy AND inspired me to try making this in the near future (maybe next week because I will be out of town this week).

    As for those noodles, that is extremely disappointing and honestly kind of worrisome! I wonder if there were funky chemicals or ingredients in them? So weird.

    1. Oh, man. I absolutely love the Asian markets nearby! I used to live near one that had the best kimchi and noodles. They’re all so unique, you never know the treats you’ll find! Hopefully you have some Korean restaurants around you too to enjoy. The recipe is a good alternative, but gosh, how I really am craving bulgogi now! Haha. I’m not even sure what to say about those noodles! I’ve never come across anything like that before.

      Also, wherever you are traveling, stay safe and have a wonderful time! Hoep the recipe turns out well for you if you try it! 🙂

  2. I’m not the biggest fan of bulgogi because of the sweetness but maybe we’ll try this with less brown sugar like you suggested? I’ve never seen a knife like the one you used for garlic lol how does it work? & the noodles do look good. How weird that they smelled bad when reheated!

    1. I can only handle so much of how sweet it is, but I love when it has the perfect amount of sweet and spiciness! Plus, I love the little side dishes that are served in Korean restaurants!

      It’s called like a Samurai 360 knife. We got it last Christmas from playing the White Elephant game, haha. It came with the metal and a plastic blade; I think it’s more or less like a pizza cutter. I use it to mince up the garlic or herbs since it takes me forever to do with a regular knife to cut up! But apparently, they’re not well made since they’re difficult to take apart the knife to replace or clean! Some people said they had to get stitches from how badly they cut themselves!? Luckily, that hasn’t happened to us!

      I still have no idea about the noodles. I haven’t braved up to the challenge of making them with other noodles for better results yet! But gosh, that taste was terrible.

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