life - personal

Wedding Shower and Lack of Hours.

This will be a personal update post since it’s been a whirlwind of a week and my mind is everywhere and too messy to form an insightful post.

My best friend, Alexis, was in town so I showed her what little there is of my town. [Basically eat at different restaurants.] I immediately took her out to try noodles at my favorite restaurant! I did drive her to the local fast food restaurant that’s only available within my area.

It was a nice week getting to catch up with her, especially since she got to make it to my wedding shower that was this past Sunday! I was iffy how the shower would play out since the weather forecast predicted rain, and we were planning to have it outside with a fire pit and s’mores going on.

My family doesn’t take many pictures; I regret not getting a picture with my parents at the shower since they selflessly pulled this event together on their 36th wedding anniversary!! The fact that they put their anniversary aside to throw Stephen and me this event shows an amount of love they have for us – and we are extremely grateful.

I did get to take a picture with Stephen [of course], Haley [sister], Kate [cousin], and Alexis.Mason was being uncooperative with the pictures but I did force him to take one with me before I had to put him up. Large crowds make him nervous as well.

I’m an introvert; so, this shower forced me to break out of my shell a little bit, but it was still immensely frightening! It was mainly immediate and second families that came to my shower; we aren’t close to the thirds and so on family members. Despite being people that I’ve held one-on-one conversations with, having to go around and be the one to start the conversation made me go on edge. I dislike the small talk, but that’s mainly what I’m doing at this event. I didn’t feel like I had anything in common with some of the relatives, and it was the first time meeting a couple!

I’ve always hated opening presents in front of people because the focus is on me during this time. I wanted to speed through as fast as I could so the small spotlight would be averted elsewhere. Anything event when the focus was on me, I hated it and I was more anxious than excited for it.

The small thank you speech at the end that I had to make was a disaster. I didn’t have time to think of something kind to say and was unprepared. I ended up babbling for a few seconds and then it died and burst into flames, basically. Stephen and I ended up walking around to everyone and saying thank you once again.

Overall, it was a lovely shower that was thrown for us! There was a massive amount of little finger foods that I requested; my brother and sister-in-law came over on Saturday to help cook and get the backyard set up. So much food and leftovers that we’ll spend a few more days eating!

Having Alexis in my hometown brought nostalgia. It was so odd having her here, in this setting. It reminded me of my life I had beyond this city and I truly miss it. I half wanted to just get in her car and go back to Clarksville with her, then the other half realized my life is here – temporarily. It reminded me of when she and I would stay up until 2 or 3 chatting of a conversation that wouldn’seem to reach an end.

Last night, we all had one of those heart-to-heart conversations. I’m still thinking and sifting through what all we’ve said. Some emotions, we have all felt at some point during our lives. Only, we are experiencing it at different times and it definitely reflects the different growth stages amongst us.

I’ll try to collect some parts for my next post and have something thoughtful to say for next week. Until then, here are my people.

Have a lovely night!

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A 29-year-old seeking to live a thousand lives. Blogging and writing about some things that I love, which include succulents, books and music, and what I've been up to while living in Nashville, TN.

0 Comments on “Wedding Shower and Lack of Hours.

  1. So nice of your parents to put their own anniversary aside to throw this shower for you! Sounds like everything turned out well in the end! I bet your speech was phenomenal! 😄

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