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Succulents Box: February 2021 Subscription Box + Updates, Part One

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Hi, friends!

I’m super late on sharing this post and I’m ashamed of myself for falling behind. February’s box concluded my 6-month subscription and I’m so sad that I’m not renewing it, but if I keep ordering plants like I am I won’t have any room left! There are still some succulents that I want, so I’m saving up for them. Surely I can make some room for a couple more, right?


That’s how it started, and now I have over 30! 

Since I didn’t place an order for a Top Fan box, I received only two new plants this month. I’m also going to share some updates on succulents that were in past boxes because it’s been a few months since I’ve shared them and they have changed just a tad bit.

February 2021 Box

Here were the plants in the February box:

My box arrived on the 13th and I received the Golden Ball Echinocactus and Crassula High Voltage. One of the ID cards was incorrect because I got a card for the Anacampseros Telephiastrum. I know for sure what I got isn’t that, and I’m 80% confident that I got a Crassula High Voltage because the tips around the leaves are a brownish color. I could be totally wrong though and it could be the Variegated String of Buttons, but I’ll have to wait and see as it matures to be certain.

At first I had mixed feelings about getting a cactus, but then I remembered that my papaw had one. This little guy makes me think of him and I also wonder what happened to his plants after he passed, or if they were even real. My memory is a bit fuzzy on that part, but I know he had some cacti! 

Look how cool this spiky dude looks! The cactus looks a lot better compared to when I first unboxed it. Soil was everywhere! The cactus was a sorry sight to see. As I cleaned off the soil, I was pricked by some spikes. This love started out painful, but we’re cool now.

I’m not sure when it’ll need watering, so I have some research to do.

The second plant is [I think] the High Voltage Crassula.

I had to remove some leaves from it, but it’s looking fuller and more plump after have some water!

Plant Update!

It’s been a hot minute since I received my first few plants, so let’s see how they’re doing after all these winter months! I purchased a grow light in November and the amount of growth from these plants in a short amount of time is thanks to the light.

I’ll share an update on these plants:

Key Lime Pie Andromischus

The Key Lime Pie succulent was in my first box and it was like a test succie. I’m sad that some leaves are scarred from being sunburned, but look at all the new babies growing!

I’ll have to keep an eye on this plant so the new babies won’t get sunburned. There are so many of them, and they’re adorable! Stephen calls this plant Turtle Paws, which makes complete sense and it adds more character to the plant. I suppose this group of babies makes up for the single baby I accidentally killed at the beginning because I didn’t water it as frequently and it dried up.

Otava Obliqua Crassula

Also in my first box was the Otava Obliqua. It’s a slow-growing succulent. I didn’t think it was getting any bigger until the babies in the middle popped up.

This is one succulent that is super, super easy to take care of. It merely needs watering every few weeks and it’s happy!

Perle Von Nurnberg Echeveria

I received 6 plants total in my second box and Top Fan box. The Perle Von Nurnberg Echeveria and Calcareum Sempervivum were my subscription box plants and they’re doing well!

The PVN looks a bit funky right now because I had to remove some leaves after unboxing it. It has changed in color and more leaves have grown in the matter of almost four months! The pink is absolutely gorgeous. I have this one placed directly under the light and the color changed within a matter of days.

I’m debating on pulling off the older, awkward-looking leaves to even it out, but I’ll leave them for now. They do look strange and out of place, so they may not last much longer!

Sempervivum: Calcareum and Cobweb Hens & Chicks

I planted these two succulents in the same pot because they were tiny enough to fit and they’re on the same watering schedule.

These receive a significant amount of sunlight, which is why they’re super green. If I reduce the amount of light, the tips of the Calcareum should turn a dark purple color.

The Cobweb Hens & Chicks was a free mystery plant curtesy of Succulents Box. I’m still amazed at how the cobweb forms! I have no idea how this happens but it’s so neat.

Donkey’s Tail Sedum

The Donkey’s Tail doesn’t appear to be growing as quickly. I’ve been leaving it alone for the most part so I haven’t noticed a significant change in it.

The two small stalks that were from a recent box still look plump and healthy! The plant is doing well so I’ll let it keep doing its thing. I’ll probably repot it in a pot where it can actually cascade down the side. That will be pretty to see whenever the plant matures. I don’t like how etiolated the leaves are, but I’ll fix that problem somehow in the future.

Violet Queen Echeveria

I’m so in love with how the Violet Queen is looking! The grow light has helped this succulent grow significantly. There’s also a little baby forming on the side! At least I think it’s a baby. I don’t think it’s a flower. Either way, it’s exciting.

I’m going to try to stress out this one a little so the leaves’ edges can have some color to them!

The fourth plant that we ordered for our first Top Fan box contained the Donkey’s Tail, Violet Queen, Hens & Chicks, and the Baby Toes succulent. Sadly, our first Baby Toes didn’t make it, but the new one that we received in January is doing well! I’m still a rookie plant mom, but it saddens me that a plant died under my care. I knew that it was bound to happen, but I’m excited that I’m learning and doing better at taking care of these babies now.

I Need Your Input!

I’m working on creating a post that contains tips for succulent beginners and I’m excited to share it with you all soon!

Until I share the post, do you have any questions about succulents that you hope to see that you want me to include?

I’ll be covering mainly surface-level tips but if you have questions that require me going in depth, I will be happy to make another post solely covering the topic! I’m slightly obsessed with my plant babies and I’ll talk about them with anyone who will listen to me!

Please let me know in the comments or message me on my blog Instagram if you have any questions about taking care of succulents that you want me to cover in a post. ❀⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

I hope March is a lovely month for you!

A 29-year-old seeking to live a thousand lives. Blogging and writing about some things that I love, which include succulents, books and music, and what I've been up to while living in Nashville, TN.

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