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My March 2020 Quarantine

Who would’ve thought that 2020 would be going like this? It’s one of the last things I expected, that’s for sure. It reminds me of a short story I had to read in high school, and I’m sure you know the one I’m talking about. It’s not exactly the same thing, but I was so fascinated with the “Masque of the Red Death” by Edgar Allan Poe and there are some similarities.

If you haven’t read it, here’s the synopsis found on Shmoop:

Sounds a bit familiar, right? I need to re-read this short story again because it’s just too good not to during this time. I wonder what Poe would think about what’s going on today.

Despite being able to work from home as my normal routine prior to the virus, it’s definitely an adjustment for my restless self having to stay in and not explore like I used to do. It’s funny how you start to think of the little things that you not necessarily took for granted but you just didn’t give much thought about. I never thought that my beloved ramen noodles would be out of stock, [still upset about that] and that I could do the simple action of being within a few feet from people as I’m passing them without worrying about infecting them with something.

The Olympics has been postponed as well, which I’ve always looked forward to the gymnastics portion, but it’s for the best. It’s crazy how we are living an event that will be talked about in history because it’s affected us so much already. I’ve always pondered how later generations are going to talk about this time period like we look back on 100 years earlier to now. Such a strange concept.

Anyways, I’ll get back on track. I’ve been a total bore the past couple of weeks, so this is what I’ve been up to since my last post. For the weekend of March 20th, Stephen got the day off from work! I was not focused on my work, so I baked brownies instead — which was a better alternative, right?

I wrote up the draft of my first album review of Kelsea Ballerini’s third album: kelsea that released that day. It’s been a little over a week since its release and I’m still in love with it. I didn’t post it until Saturday, but I hope to roll them out the day that the album releases, if possible.

I really want to support small businesses, especially during this time, but I didn’t strictly abide by that a couple weeks ago because we ordered Domino’s for dinner due to them having a deal on pizza and Stephen wanted some. I suppose that’s how these corporate chains get you.

We did swing by Smoothie King, [does that counts as a small biz?] and I ordered something different than my Mango Kale smoothie, not that you can tell because it’s also green, but I ordered the Apple Kiwi Kale this time.

The kiwi and apple were refreshing because they add a tartness to the smoothie.

I ordered the Specialty Chicken – Spicy Jalapeno – Pineapple because I was craving those. I thought it was ironic how on the box that there’s Betty the Hen on it. Way to put a damper on my eagerness over the meal I’m about to devour!

That still didn’t stop me. There’s something so delicious about the combination of pineapple and jalapenos!

Here’s Stephen’s regular order of a Pepperoni Pizza:

Also, he ordered a Banana Boat smoothie.

Last weekend, I finally watched Love is Blind and it was interesting. We did go play Pokemon at the little park near us on Saturday, but kept our distance from people, of course.

On the plus side of this time, I’m getting to write a little more poetry, so I’m pretty excited about that!

Last Week

Work has been a bit slower due to the current situation, so it’s worrying me, but God’s got this.

I did try a new recipe last week, but I will admit that the recipe I used could use a few personal edits. It was supposed to be a Pepper Steak with Tomatoes, but ours is minus the tomatoes because we both don’t care for them. I’ll save the recipe for a FWMD post later on when I try it again with a few adjustments and a better outcome. I’m sad that there weren’t any onions in the store when I went because I would’ve loved some in the dish! I improvised and used carrots at least, so I’m getting our veggies in there.

I became a brand ambassador for Le Petite Boutique and ordered a couple pairs of earrings from them a couple weeks ago before the virus outbreak. They arrived in the mail last Monday and I was super thrilled to wear them!

They are the cutest pairs of earrings that I own now. It was hard to pick just two, but I had to limit myself.

Yes, I’m still terrified of all bugs, but the Nepal Gold Butterfly Earrings were too cute to pass up! I needed a good pair of hoops as well that were thin. Hands down, the Melbourne Gold Sun & Moon Dangle Earrings are my new favorites. You should definitely check the boutique out because they have unique jewelry that I haven’t seen anywhere!

Just to share a few pictures of my mini photoshoot wearing them — these weren’t posted on my Insta, so you all get to see these for the first time! I wanted to show on the blog a couple new pics that haven’t surfaced on the Internet before, so there’s some excitement! Haha.

Also, if you’re interested, I have a discount code you can use to snag yourself a new pair of earrings. Plus, they offer free shipping, so that’s a win! You can use: Stephanie15 when you’re checking out to receive 15% off your order.

Last Tuesday, Alexis and I FaceTimed for about three hours! We had a lot to say to one another that was way too lengthy for texts. We’ve been having friend withdrawals because we haven’t seen one another since the Dan + Shay concert. During this time, call your friends and catch up with them! Thankfully we have the technology to stay virtually connected at least.

I took this photo in November, but I thought it was fitting [and poetic time] to share last week.

I’m all about the symbolism and hidden meaning in literature, so pretend you’re the leaf in the picture and the background represents the current situation of how the world is. While the world has shifted, the leaf is aligned. Just like the picture, that’s what I’m planning to do during this time and focus on the things I’ve been putting off.

Wow, this shows how much I miss writing essays and dissecting a piece of work’s meaning. I was the weird person that enjoyed writing essays. Did you like them as well?

If this was some magical story, you could say that I saved this picture from November as a foreshadowing of what happened this month but I’m not, so don’t burn me at the stake, please! All right, I’m almost done being silly in this post. You’ve got to find some humor to keep yourself sane in some circumstances.

I forgot to include in the post before I published, but here are the homemade fries that Stephen and I made:

I didn’t save the original picture but whatever I post on my Insta story automatically saves in my camera role. These were so good. We devoured them and they save me so much more time than making chips! We like our fries thin and crispy the best, but I’m not picky on them. How do you like yours?

This past weekend, Stephen and I watched Tiger King and played some Minecraft. Wow is all I can say about that show. I’ll talk a little more about it whenever it’s in my What I’ve Been Watching post, but it was definitely a shocking, crazy show to watch.

With all my joking aside, my mom’s a nurse, and I am especially thankful for those in the healthcare, grocery, and food industry during this critical time. I realize this is a serious situation and I am trying to do my part as well by staying isolated. By now, I hope you all know that I’m not lightly brushing off this situation since we’ve been connected for a while and are getting used to my personality on here.

  • How is your quarantine going?
  • How has your routine changed because of Coronavirus?
  • Have you read “Masque of the Red Death” by Poe? Such a classic!

A 28-year-old seeking to live a thousand lives. Blogging and writing about some things that I love, which include succulents, books and music, and what I've been up to while living in Nashville, TN.

8 Comments on “My March 2020 Quarantine

  1. Oh man those pictures sure do make me miss Dominos!!! That specialty pizza sounds good since I always used to create my own thin crust pizza with chicken, bacon, pineapple, onion, green bell pepper and jalapenos on the side.

    Your mom is a nurse! Wow…I’ll bet she has some stories to tell!

    I need to watch that Tiger King series..

    My quarantine is going just fine. Zero change to my routine since I’ve been working from home for 4 years and never go anywhere but to the grocery since I don’t want to leave the 92-yo home alone. LOL This is just my normal, every day life. LOL

    Even though I have a thick Poe hardcover collection, I have never read Masque of the Red Death!

    1. Sounds like a perfect pizza topping combo! I’ve always found it funny how there’s such a debate on pineapple on pizza.

      I can’t imagine how the shifts are going in the healthcare field right now.

      It’s a bit unsettling to watch Tiger King, but so fascinating and many other emotions all in one. Can’t wait to hear what you have to say about it if/when you watch it!

      Working from home that long seems like a dream! I’m glad it’s not disrupting your routine too much since you’ve been social distancing for years! Haha.

      Oh man, I really like the short story. I can’t remember how long it is, but you’d breeze by it I bet!

  2. I haven’t read that book by Poe but oh it does sound interesting, I’m going to have to check it out for sure!!!! I’m seriously drooling over those brownies, they look so delicious hun! 😍😍 I need and ah the Dominos too! I can’t wait to get one of those once lockdown is over! ❤️😍 Yummy!!!!

    And I’m loving your new earrings hun, they’re so gorgeous! I’m definitely going to check that website out at some point for sure, you chose such pretty jewellery and you look gorgeous as always!

    Thanks for sharing beaut, lots of love and good vibes your way xx

    1. Yeah, there’s definitely irony in the story and I hope you enjoy it whenever you have a chance to read it! The brownies were magnificent! Haha, I ate about 99% of them on my own, oops.

      Thank you so much, Jenna! ♡ You would definitely find a pair that fits with your lovely style!

      Sending some love and safety to you!

      1. It sounds so crazily similar to the current situation! I’m definitely going to check it out at some point- I need to write the title down so I remember!! Oh that’s easily done- I probably would have been the same, they look so yum!

        Thank you hun!! I hope so, the pairs you chose are gorgeous! I’ll let you know when I choose ❤️

        Thank you lovely ❤️ Right back at ya!

  3. Its interesting that you bring up how we look back in history from a century ago. This week I read an article about the 1918 pandemic and how my state is dealing with it almost in similar ways. It’s a little eery.
    We don’t have a smoothie king here but it sounds delicious, and healthy lol. Though maybe it isn’t?? 🤷🏻‍♀️
    I haven’t really ordered take out except one time last week. We’ve been cooking at home a lot more. Not letting our food go to waste and what not, so we are eating leftovers.
    The pepper steak dish you made still looks really good. Me personally I like to add as many veggies as I can, so long as they “go” with the dish and a lot of times the veggies make the dish better. I hope you’re able to find onions for next time.
    Congrats on becoming a brand ambassador! The jewelry looks really nice and delicate.
    Ah fries! My favorite lol. I’ve tried making them time and time again and they’re not coming out as I’d like them to so I need to rethink and look up as many recipes as I can and try again.
    Stay safe girl! xx

    1. Oh, really? It’s so strange how history repeats itself and we either learn or disregard it. I want to say that Smoothie King is pretty healthy if you don’t add a bunch of supplements to it, but I could be completely wrong. Mine have tasted healthy overall!

      Have you been cooking new meals? I keep wanting to try new recipes since I feel the need to mix things up, though I probably should be more content at a time like this, haha. Our grocery stores aren’t looking as bare anymore, so I’ve been successful with getting things!

      Thank you! Awh, I hope you get the fries down pat. I’m wondering how well an air fryer would be? Then again, I think it’s fun to deep fry them the old fashioned way. Hope you’ve had a lovely weekend, keep staying safe as well, friend! ❦

      1. oooh okay i see, yeah i don’t think we have anything like it ,the closest i can think of is jamba juice with all their add-ons but really, how healthy can that actually be? LOL
        not really, i feel like we are trying to keep it as basic as possible since we don’t have the luxury of going out to buy specific ingredients. so whatever we have in our pantry, we use and try to get creative if we can lol. and we are still out of rice and beans and toilet paper? LOL everything else is pretty much stocked up. yay.
        i would love* to try an air fryer, i hear it’s pretty good 🙂

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