life - personal

G[rad] Life?

Update: It’s been almost two year since I graduated with my bachelor’s degree.

Hooray for no more tuition or books or fighting for parking or staying up late doing assignments!!

Yet, here’s to student loans, rent, and other payments. At this moment, I don’t plan on going back to get my master’s degree — maybe it will change, but for now, I am not going. I admit to not taking more initiative in getting internships or other things to apply myself to gain more opportunities for my future career. I should have and it is my fault that I am where I am now. My hometown, however, is limited on the job career that I hope to acquire someday, so that makes it more difficult.

I’m aiming to work in a publishing company, and being from a smaller town, it is more difficult to find a job in this expertise. There are many more things I could have done to establish a name for myself. For the longest time, I wanted to create a blog and write; another idea that I have in the works, is making my own poetry chapbook collection about the recollection of 2016 [I’ll get to that in future posts eventually].

I firmly believe that my writing process has grown accordingly to how I’ve experienced events in my life. It’s somewhat bittersweet to look back on the moments I forgot about, and the tough ones that I have overcame — or still in the process of overcoming.

My student loans are approaching – next week actually! So, this will be another adventure that may last for years to get these loans paid off! Probably another reason out of many that I need to find a job intended for my career.

Job Searching, Where?

Well, I’m sure everyone knows about,, and any local ads or websites in your area. I have looked through pages of these websites and nada. As of now, the timing is off where I could move to a nearby city to obtain a better job, but I have other factors to consider.

I have to consider living situations, what’s the next step for my boyfriend and me, [it’s frowned upon if we moved away and lived together – which I can understand, but it’s just another element in the equation to figure out], and how I can be financially stable to move. If I were single, sure, I could be in my dream destination and up north right now, but I’m not. I am happy with my relationship and I wouldn’t trade it for an earlier start to a career.

I also came across Buzzfile. This site turned out to be pretty helpful because it’s a company information database. After a few clicks, it requires a sign up; don’t worry, it’s free! Unless you want a premium account; I didn’t research more about it since it wasn’t what I was interested in. The site gives snippets of a biography about each company that you come across, even some Q&As. Usually, there are links and phone numbers to get in contact with the company.

I found a small publishing press in my area that I was interested in; after I turned in my résumé, I did my research and brushed up on some computer knowledge. Well, the day before my interview, the place messaged me to cancel my interview; the person decided to remain employed, so no other position is available.

It was a complete let down for me, but in the overall view, I hope to believe that I’m meant for somewhere else. I am still keeping a positive attitude for another job opening to turn up soon!

I shall continue my slow search, and those that are doing the same: keep the positivity and motivation to achieve your goals! Sending motivation and hoping it boomerangs back around to me as well!

Optimistically searching,

My goal is to maintain this blog, in order to motivate myself even more and hopefully connect with other people that are struggling with finding a job after graduating college. I also want to open up about more topics that are relevant to others in order to connect with people and show that we are all on one another’s side, but we have our different perspectives.

Ultimately, we want the same things: to be happy with our lives and our careers, connect with others so we aren’t alone, and have lots of money! [halfway kidding on the last point, but it would be nice to have enough to give back to my parents and spoil them after all they’ve done for me.]

Hope you all have a fantastic day!

A 29-year-old seeking to live a thousand lives. Blogging and writing about some things that I love, which include succulents, books and music, and what I've been up to while living in Nashville, TN.

0 Comments on “G[rad] Life?

  1. I’m in the same boat as you looking for a job. Today was my last day here at my job, and I have been looking for 2 months to find something. It can be difficult.

    And I am glad you are sticking with the relationship. You don’t want to put your career first and give up on having a relationship. I always find it sad when people work too much that they don’t have time or the desire to have a relationship.

    I like your idea of putting your signature at the bottom. I have seen a few people do that know. I think I’m gonna steal the idea 😉

    1. Oh no, well I hope and pray you have better luck with the job searching; especially if you’re near a bigger city for opportunities!

      I agree! Surely there’s some type of balance to maintain both work and relationships with our loved ones; the job just makes it a little trickier.

      It’s a nice touch of personalization, I can’t wait to see what yours will look like; good luck! 🙂

  2. Hello Stephanie!
    Congratulations on getting your degree!
    Job hunting is stressful! I’ve been there a few times before. Keep searching for that great job that makes you excited to go to work every day, and don’t settle for anything less 🙂

  3. Finding a job can be tough! I remember spent months trying to get min. wage job while I was in high school. Eventually got one though! Persistence is key (in my opinion).

    Hang in there, you’ll find one soon.

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