life - personal - relationships


Exciting news: Now, only 10 days until the wedding! [It just turned midnight, so technically it’s Wednesday.] I spent some time with a couple high school friends on Sunday.

What a Night That Was!

Sheesh, I’m so old, I still need the rest of the week to recover. I went to my friend’s house since her birthday was last week; she wanted to have a sleepover like we used to in high school. Only one other friend could make it.

I stayed at my friend’s house until 3:30 AM. That’s fine and all since I stay up that late on some nights. What made it worse, I had to work 11-9 the next day by myself as the only waitress on duty! That was a buzzkill. I felt like I was going to die on Monday.

We went to see the movie, Bohemian Rhapsody. Okay, so I will admit that I didn’t even realize this was a movie because I don’t have cable and I am never in the movie loop. The other, I didn’t know what it was about before going. I don’t have any interest in Queen, it’s an iconic band and all, but I have my own music.

It was a pretty good movie and I liked it for the most part. I will admit that I hated the way Freddie Mercury acted like such an arrogant, music artist; that got under my skin at times. I know that some celebrities and stars may act the way he did in today’s times, but there’s still no valid reason why they don’t treat people like they deserve.

The movie was done really well, from my opinion. I’m not sure what a passionate Queen fan would stay. It’s not a movie that would pique my interest to see on my own, but I enjoyed it. Would I choose it to watch all over again? No, because I hardly do that for regular movies, haha.

We went to Walmart to purchase scents to make our own bath bombs smell all nice. They were so cool! I had difficulty with mixing the components, but I did really well with molding them together.

Anyways, the Reconnecting.

I smile as I look back and think how these two girls were my best friends during my teenaged years – they truly impacted my life. I quickly noticed how things have changed with all of us together. One friend, I see and spend time with ever so often; the other, I hadn’t spoken to or seen in three and a half years. We were three girls from the opposite spectrums in high school that became friends in the awkward middle school years..

We’ve grown, but remained friends.

I definitely struggled with conversation for the one I hadn’t seen in years; it was a noticeable shift of all that had happen within thee and a half years. We shared our hardships. The heartbreak, broken trust, college, jobs, and everything else pertaining to life causes us to drift.

There were some moments that felt like old times, laughing and holding conversations that felt like us again. We had some slivers of how our high school years have changed compared to now. I’d like to say that we’ve all found ourselves by now; but perhaps we’re still struggling, truthfully. It was definitely a night that we needed to have.

The teenaged years were a whirlwind, ones that I’m perfectly okay with not reliving. I do miss the innocence of those years, omitting the adulthood and real world that I’m slowly walking into now.

It stinks how life really trials you on the people that are meant to be your friends. I still consider some friends I haven’t seen or spoken to in years, my friends. There’s a connection with those that I still would rush to and help, despite how long it’s been. I don’t like to think that our friendships weren’t strong enough to maintain every few months; but when we come together, it’s as if some things haven’t changed between us.

I understand some of it since I’m not that great at keeping up with people. Yet, I do try to check in on close loved ones at least each week or a few times a month. It’s just the way I hoped to maintain my relationships.

As I grow older, I handle my memories more delicately and cherish them because I know the left a fragile impression on me to this day.

I’m such a sentimental person. I can’t even “throw away” memories – the poet inside me states.

Some conversations we had really got me thinking more critically; there were stories told that revealed deeper layers that are difficult to understand. Hopefully I’ll be able to write about them for next week’s post.

Until then, have a wonderful night!

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A 29-year-old seeking to live a thousand lives. Blogging and writing about some things that I love, which include succulents, books and music, and what I've been up to while living in Nashville, TN.

2 Comments on “Friendships.

  1. I’m super out of the movie loop, too, haha. I haven’t even heard of Bohemian Rhapsody until I read this post! Glad you enjoyed it though. 🙂 & how fun was it making your own bath bombs?!

    I love that you three had a sleepover & were able to reconnect again on a certain level even if it wasn’t the same level you guys were on in High School.

    1. I don’t have cable and I don’t watch anything online to trigger multiple movie trailers – those pesky pop-up ads! I never realized how many songs were by Queen that I knew but it was nice learning something about an iconic band!

      The bath bombs were so fun and they smelled amazing with the scents we bought at Walmart! I definitely recommend. I will say, maybe it was keeping them in my bathroom, but they started to crumble after a few days. I guess the shower condensation got to them so they almost returned to their sand-like form!

      It somewhat felt like just going to a sleepover with a random person at first since I wasn’t sure what to talk about! Haha.

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