life - relationships

Fangirling Moment.

Super bummed that I can’t watch The Bachelorette on Hulu today like I usually do since I don’t have cable. I’ll look forward to it tomorrow then!

On Saturday, Alexis visited me and we did a mini photoshoot for future blog posts I’m excited about. After a few painful sweat bee stings and mosquito bites, we had what I needed, for the most part. So, Alexis will be my beautiful model for the majority of those posts!

Given that Alexis is my only friend to watch the Bachelor nation shows, we found out that Jed Wyatt was playing at Live Oak, which is about 20 or so minutes from my apartment! You bet we made that trip to go watch him! I will admit that the show does not do him justice. I liked him as a person in general, but Hannah and him seemed like an odd pairing at first. After watching previous episodes, he really does calm her down and complement her quirky personality.

*Update: still confused why Hannah kept him for so long, and saddened that his scandal has tainted my blog post, but not my experience!

His story said he was singing at 10:30, so Stephen, Alexis, and I had a Lyft pick us up around 8:30 and take us downtown to just walk around Broadway. Being Saturday night and CMA Fest, it was even more crazy and hectic! Lyft was definitely a better option than driving under these circumstances. We didn’t have any interest to go into any of the places on Broadway, but we just walked around and took in the surroundings.

We walked downtown for a bit, then made our way to the Live Oak around 9:30. What’s a really funny coincidence is that there were about 5 people that we- not followed- but were going in the same direction as us to the Live Oak. So from Broadway to the Live Oak, we managed to catch up with those people even after my small bathroom break at McDonald’s and their constant stopping. One girl was pitifully buzzed and probably drunk to be walking about a mile or more to the place! It was interesting because she’d pass people that she knew and they’d recognize her. A guy even called out her name and she called her name right back at him, unaware that she said her own name instead of his. It was really weird timing of them making their way to the same place. Let’s just hope they didn’t think we were following intentionally!

Live Oak

None of us drank or anything, we were just there for the music. I didn’t take pictures of the venue or anything like that, but I liked it overall. Walking in, there was a wall that partially divided the bar area with seats all around it. It was still open, but the venue utilized its space with having the wall mostly divided with the bartenders tending each size. There were some arcade games to the left and various rectangular mirrors on the wall.

To the right was a beer pong station and various tables in the open area and booths along the wall for the stage view at the top right corner of the venue. The bathrooms and backstage area was to my left view of it, so parallel to the bar area.

Obviously, I had to take pictures and videos of Jed’s performance as a memory. We found a table to claim, which was perfect timing with him about to perform! I suppose the bands were running behind because he didn’t play until 11! My photos and videos are not glamorous shots, but they are good enough for me to keep as a memory!

I figured you could see him best in this one out of the few videos I recorded.

Unfortunately, there was a crowd of people around him afterwards for pictures and such. I just wanted to find the bathroom at that point. There really wasn’t any line formation so I think it was just “who could jump in quicker to get a picture with him?” type of thing. Despite not meeting him, it was a really fun day with two of my favorite people!

Hope everyone else had super fun weekend like I did!

A 29-year-old seeking to live a thousand lives. Blogging and writing about some things that I love, which include succulents, books and music, and what I've been up to while living in Nashville, TN.

9 Comments on “Fangirling Moment.

    1. I agree, it’s such a fun and lively atmosphere! It’s the need to live a little bit more, apart from my daily life, every once in awhile and enjoy it! πŸ™‚ Thanks for stopping by as well, and hope you’ve had a wonderful day!

  1. this is sooo awesome, Stephanie! What a fun night- and the fact that you saw Jed perform- how exciting!!! Thanks so much for sharing, loved reading this!

  2. I have never watched The Bachelor or The Bachelorette. I wish Hulu would upload all episodes starting from Season 01!! I can’t believe you guys we behind the same people the whole way there– I would have had such a laugh about the drunk girl!! I think the photos you got are great. πŸ˜€ Sounds like you had an awesome time. Thanks for sharing!! <3

    1. I would love to see how the show was starting out! I just started watching The Bachelor about 6 or so years ago!

      I do think it has changed though with how society is, so that’s somewhat disappointing to think about since half of the people now just want instant fame and whatnot. Plus, the drama seems to be encouraged even more! I get that there’s drama, but it seems like it’s always, always a focus to target the villain of the season.

      Wow. I’m sorry for that mini rant, haha, but I blame myself for watching the darn show! I was trying to hard not to make it obvious to laugh at the girl, but it was really fun! Thanks for reading. Hope your day is going awesome, Hunida! πŸ™‚

      1. I wonder how many seasons of the show there is altogether lol. I feel left out not knowing anything about the past if I started watching now. πŸ˜› You should totally watch UnREAL on Hulu, if you have it. It’s a fiction show but I’m preeeetty positive it’s based on how they run The Bachelor behind-the-scenes. No worries about the rant at all! It will prove that you are absolutely right if you believe what they show in UnREAL.

        I’m sure she wouldn’t have even noticed you laughing in her state LOL. Thank you, Stephanie! I hope your day is going well, too. <3

        1. Hmm, I just looked it up and there are 23 seasons! Yeah, I’m out of the loop whenever they reference old contestants, but I feel like it’s too late for me to get attached to another person on the show, haha.

          Ahh, I haven’t heard of that. I’ll have to watch an episode next week if I can break from my Catfish binge! Haha. Thanks for the suggestion, Hunida!

          1. Ah! I would so love watching all of the episodes from the beginning lol. Let me know if you watch it! πŸ™‚ Hope you enjoy if you do!

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