• life - personal

    How My June 2024 Went

    Dog sitting was a trying time, but the month flew by! July is me catching up and settling back into my routine, which I’m using as an excuse as to why I haven’t shared this blog post until now. Skip to the other stuff: June 6: Louise and I met…

  • life - personal

    How My May 2024 Went

    So, I could have shared this post a few days earlier, but for some reason, out of pure laziness, I’m not sharing it till now. So now all of these events seem like they happened ages ago. Daily Life May 1: I dropped Darby off at Birdy and Goose’s house,…

  • life - personal

    How My April 2024 Went

    The last few days of April and early May kept me busy with packing and visiting family, but I’m back and finally sharing what I was up to last month! Daily Life I’ve been a bit busy and this blog post was put on the back burner, so I’m not…

  • life - personal

    How My February 2024 Went

    It’s 8 PM, I just made my iced matcha latte, I have The Bachelor on in the background, and I’m hitting “publish” on March 1st! So far, so good with posting on time. I hope you had a lovely February! Daily Life February 1: I forgot to take a photo,…

  • life - personal

    How My January 2024 Went

    I hope everyone had a wonderful start to the new year! Did anyone else feel like January was a long month? It seems like it’s been ages since I’ve done any of this stuff mentioned in the beginning of the post! The rest of the year probably will fly by.…

  • life - personal

    How My August 2023 Went

    August was a pretty fun month! Lots of coffee, as usual, but I got to try a few new places! Daily Life August 1: Louise and I went to Brentwood for a personal trip, then we headed to The Well for some lunch! I’ve never been to this location before,…

  • life - personal

    How My April 2023 Went

    *As an Amazon affiliate, if you click and purchase a product from an external link, I earn a small commission. Opinions are my own. I’m sharing a product that I love and hope you do as well! You can visit my Affiliate Disclosure page for more information. Get this post…

  • life - personal

    How My March 2023 Went

    Well, mid-April seems like the perfect time to post last month’s recap post. Daily Life March 2: My parents arrived in Nashville on Wednesday, March 1st. My dad’s appointment was on Thursday, and I was able to go with them. The doctor recommended to wait 2 months before doing a…

  • life - personal

    How My January 2023 Went

    Happy New Year! I can’t believe how quickly this first month went by. Did you do anything to end the year? We just hung out and cleaned up a little in the apartment. We did stay up till midnight! Stephen played some video games, and I was reading. My reading…

  • life - personal

    How My December 2022 Went

    After last month of working, Darby told me that this month I need to work less and pay attention to him! Life Update December 5: Mom informed us that Dad only has 3 cancerous lymph nodes! Yay! He’s experienced a few bumps and side effects, but they were minor and…