• life - personal

    How My April 2023 Went

    *As an Amazon affiliate, if you click and purchase a product from an external link, I earn a small commission. Opinions are my own. I’m sharing a product that I love and hope you do as well! You can visit my Affiliate Disclosure page for more information. Get this post…

  • life - personal

    How My March 2023 Went

    Well, mid-April seems like the perfect time to post last month’s recap post. Daily Life March 2: My parents arrived in Nashville on Wednesday, March 1st. My dad’s appointment was on Thursday, and I was able to go with them. The doctor recommended to wait 2 months before doing a…

  • life - personal

    How My November 2022 Went

    Hi, hi! I may be late posting, but I’m back and sharing two posts at once! The December post was published simultaneously (woohoo!), so check it out if you have time to kill on this lovely Monday. I’ve had this drafted since mid-December, and I don’t know why I haven’t…

  • life - personal

    February Feasting

    February’s been a fun month already. We ordered Arby’s on January 30th. You have no idea how stoked I was about this feast. I’m still quite obsessed with their sliders and fries. I liked the additional mozzarella cheese sticks too. Stephen doesn’t like them, and about 3/4 of this picture…